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The final conference of the PROACT project was held in Bordeaux. You can find more information about this conference in a report below. Please download here.
Project PROACT has issued its first Newsletter. Inside you can find general information about the project as well as project updates. Please download here.
There was held a project partners meeting in Ostrava, Czech Republic, 10th – 11th March 2014. Goal of the project is to transfer French methodology DLA to the other countries participating in ProAct. The DLA methodology is the tool for diagnosis of NGOs and strengthening their management. The aim of meeting in Ostrava was to evaluate what was done so far and mainly to discuss the plan for following months. These are going to be crucial for the project as the trainings and sessions with NGOs are starting. NGOs will have chance to evaluate their organisation and get professional help with strengthening their internal processes and management. At the end of training, each of the organisations will get the certificate which confirms their participation in the ProAct project. Another main topic of this meeting was the final conference, which will take place in September 2014 in Boerdaux. At the conference, there will participate not only project partner organisations but also local National Agency, city representatives and other NGOs from the region. For those there will be prepared several workshops.
ProAct project meeting was held in Bordeaux, France 7th – 11th October. Its purpose was to pass the methodology of diagnostic tool from French partner to others. This tool is also one of the main outcomes of this project. The main aim of this meeting was to introduce and show the work with an innovative diagnostic tool to other members of partnership who are to implement it later in their own countries. DLA methodology was developed in order to improve work efficiency and management in non-profit organizations due to their mission and also to teach NGO’s managers how to adapt to ongoing contextual changes. The cornerstone of the methodology is a diagnostic tool mentioned above which has the form of a detailed questionnaire. Consultants are able to detect the current state of the institution and on its basis then create a set of recommendations to improve the situation. These are then passed to the representatives of the organisation and also explained during personal consultations. Within the five-day meeting French partners presented the entire methodology to the rest of partnership and partners also could try it out in two local non-profit organisations. A great contribution to the understanding of the process was also examples of good practise presented by people from non-profit organisations, which in the past were helped by DLA.